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Recently Added Vegetarian Recipes

Recently added vegetarian recipes.

Hungarian Cabbage Noodles
A good cabbage recipe that goes well with veggie sausages and a salad of dark green lettuce and tomatoes. ..

Spinach and Cheese Squares
Super cheesy spinach and cheese squares for buffets and the like. ..

Layered Bean Dip
Another avocado dressing that offers veggies a decent alternative to the ever present guacamole. ..

Guacamole DipGuacamole Dip
A wonderfully easy guacamole dip recipe, suitable for veggies and rather moorish.prodaja stanova pik smrtovnice avaz ..

Short Pastry
This is a nice vegetarian short pastry for everyday pies. ..

Apple and Tapioca
Everyone over 30 in the UK will remember the dreaded tapioca pudding from school. The frogspawn stodge. Try it again now in a decent recipe! ..

Curried Tomatoes
The ever versatile tomato in another side dish, or vegetarian main course. A recipe that works quite well. ..

Vegan Cheesalike with Penne Pasta
This vegan cheese a like and pasta recipe has the texture and thickness of riccotta, but the flavour of onion and garlic and peppers. ..

Broccoli Casserole
A super simple vegetarian broccoli casserole recipe ..

Butternut Squash Casserole
When you have a butternut squash and you're looking at it, and wondering 'what the heck do I do with this?' ... ..

Cheese and Potato Bake
A super easy potato dish that goes well for outside night time eating, such as Halloween or bonfire Night .. alongside the roast chestnuts ..

Quick and Easy White Cheese Bean Burrito
Delicious Burrito. The whole pinto beans and lots of white cheese are what make this burrito better. ..

Rock Cakes
Go on, you probably haven't made these since school. And they'll probably be a lot better now you have a bit more experience. ..

Tea Cakes
Tea cakes, yes those buttered muffin things you get in tea shops ... you can smell this already can't you! ..

Good Vegan Lasagna
A surprisingly good vegan lasagna recipe. I'm not normally a great fan of tofu, but I do get in specially for this particular veggie lasagne recipe. ..

Most Excellent Veggie Chili
One of the better meatfree chili recipes for vegetarians. Served with a wholemeal rice, or rounds of buttered fresh bread. ..

French Fried Onion Rings
Onion rings that can go with virtually any vegetarian dish .. well they can for me! Or on their own. Not generally a breakfast dish mind. ..

Macaroni and Cheese
A near perfect macaroni cheese recipe for vegetarians. ..

Spinach and Feta Stuffed potatoes
Another excellent potato recipe, devised for the vegetarian palet. Yum Yum. ..

West African Peanut Soup
Want to try something a little different? ..

Triple Corn Fritters
A taste of the USA with this corn fritter receipe suitable for vegetarians everywhere. ..

Broccoli Chowder
A real American recipe for Veggie Broccoli Chowder. For all those in the UK who watch the films, and idly wonder what a chowder is, here's your chance :o) ..

Vegetarian Saag Aloo
Saag Aloo is a delicious spicy blend of spinach and chunky potatoes, and goes very well with parathas or naan. It is very easy and inexpensive to make, and will impress the h ..

Luxury Scrambled Egg on Toast
Luxury Scrambled Egg on Toast ..

Potato Sausages
They're potato croquettes really, but the kids like sausages and these do well from time to time and make a reasonable vegetarian sausage recipe. ..

Favourite Macaroni Pie
A simple macaroni recipe without any cheese in sight. It could not be any simpler to make and it works well. ..

Lentil Turnovers
An excellent lentil dish either as a main, side dish or more frequently as something a little different on a buffet or stand up party. ..

Vegetarian Hot Pot
An easy, straightforward vegetarian hot pot recipe. A decent main meal in its own right, and serves well with most vegetable dishes. We like it as is and have either with a good dollop of dark sauce, or with a little sliced pickled beetroot. And the ..

Cheating Sweetcorn Pudding
Super simple recipe with a tin of sweetcorn at the heart of it. One of those recipes that got us through the student days and tight or even nonexistent budgets. ..

Chestnut Pie
A rare treat for November and December when chestnuts are everywhere. ..

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